Regulating the Psychological Therapies - From Taxonomy to Taxidermy (Mapped... measured.. captured... and stuffed?)
by Denis Postle
Almost all of Ipnosis on paperplus lots more
from PCCS Books
from Amazon
STOP State Regulation of Counselling and Psychotherapy
by Guy Gladstone
The push towards state regulation emanates from an alliance of training and accreditation organisations (BACP and UKCP) concerned with extending control over entry into therapeutic practice...
From 'Yes, But', to 'No, Unless'? Or Principled Non-Compliance?
Plus marine and other metaphors for current approaches to regulatory folly.
Ipnosis reflections on the Psychotherapy and Counselling Reference Group Meeting March 29 2007
For PNC and ATP!
Reflections on this meeting by Richard House
Transcript of An Introduction to IPN given by Ipnosis at the March 31-April 1 2007 IPN Conference
'IPN as a lived example of democracy, Action Research, and working-from-love...'
The Political Economy of Psychotherapy
by David Singer
'IN THE U.S. TODAY, psychotherapy, or for that matter any study of the psychodynamics or interpersonal processes involved in mental and emotional difficulties in living, is on the wane. The cause of the decline is the subject here...'
The Skills for Health Competencies Consultation Letter to BACP by Arthur Musgrave
A Belgian web-site, Plate-Forme Psysme details current continental concerns about state regulation and helpfully outlines the state of play of regulation in most of the rest of Europe. Use the Google translator for a good enough grasp of what Belgian practitioners are facing.
A Government White Paper dealing with the regulation of psychotherapy and Counselling has been promised for a month or two....
...The bulk of the document is a further government response to the failure of existing regulation in the medical universe...
Dear Editor,
In the last twelve months many more practitioners have begun to realize the extent to which state regulation of the psychological therapies will damage them and the client experience. Ipnosis, weary of regulation watching, is very pleased to be able to post articles/letters about SR by several other practitioners... keep them coming!
Articles by colleagues: Andrew Cook, Julia Evans, Jill Hall, Sue Hart, Grace Lindsay, Darian Leader, Guy Gladstone, Paul Barber
Editorial December 20 2006
Guilt Hardens the Heart
...Continuing to be a regulationist enthusiast does appear to require a certain hardening of the heart so that the damage regulation will entail drops out of sight... |
Conference report February 19 2007
Regulation Rumourtoids
Ipnosis showed up at the February 17 Guild of Psychotherapists event, 'Facing up to State Regulation'. An intriguing title for a very informative event. The three main speakers, James Antrican, chair-elect of the UKCP, Sean Ellis of the Association for Group and Individual Psychotherapy [AGIP], Chair of the AP-PP Section of the UKCP, and Diana Waller of the HPC, vividly personified the respective approaches of their organizations and the meeting/Guild chair, Paul Atkinson opened by stating the Guild's opposition to State Regulation of the psychological Therapies...
Editorial November 14th 2006
An Historic Moment?
Panic and despair in the mainstream psychopractice organisations at the prospect of getting their wish granted to be state regulated but not in the way (ie the HPC) that they had imagined. Alongside this, IPN participants launch research to identify practitioners who refuse to bystand state regulation of counselling and psychotherapy. |
One of the illusions that mainstream psychopractice organisations (and the DoH) diligently promote is that the field is united behind the need for state regulated accountability.
Four of the many talks given at the College of Psychoanalysis Conference on Psychoanaysis and state regulation in Spring 2006 demonstrate otherwise.
Roger Litten contributed an overview of the dynamics behind the moves towards regulation
Mauro Santacatterina describes in shocking detail the damage suffered by psychoanalysis in Italy following state regulation there.
Chris Oakley sees the tendency of some sectors of psychoanalysis to embrace state regulation as self-mutilation
Denis Postle and Richard House offer a critique of the premises of state regulation and discuss how it can be effectively resisted.
Editorial October 28 2006:
'The Penny's Dropped',
So read a large sign for Maestro plastic money in Liverpool Street station as Ipnosis travelled to the October 10th meeting of the psychotherapy and counselling Reference Group, an ad hoc collection of mainstream psychopractice organisations. As we discovered, for the organisations who have been pursuing state regulation of psychotherapy and counselling, the penny has at last dropped that it promises to be a disaster.
The meeting's core agenda....
Editorial August 13 2006:
The Regulation Journey - From Taxonomy to Taxidermy
Two strands of psychotherapy and counselling regulationism converged in July 2006. In mid-July the Foster report on non medical regulation 2006 was posted on the Internet. I’ll come to that in a moment, but first, let’s look at the letter that in common with a hundred-plus UK organizations, IPN received from Professor Louis Appleby, National Director for Mental Health....
editorial April 19 2006:
Speaking the Unspeakable #1
...The political surface of psychopractice often seems too reasonable, like a client who tells of terrible exploitation and harm, without a trace of the appropriate feeling being connected. I want to try to break the surface of this reasonableness here, to speak the unspeakable. |
editorial April 19 2006
Speaking the Unspeakable #2
Now and again I try to remind myself why I am convinced that state regulation of psychopractice is problematic and harmful to both client and practitioner interests...
Hidden behind the benign protective promises of psychopractice regulation and the reasonable voices patiently lining you up for it, is a death threat... will kill, intended to kill, wildness, the esoteric, the exotic, and the unpredictable... |
Report November 24 2006
Roles, Competencies and Complacency
- mapping the territory of psychotherapy and counselling with the Department of Health
At a presentation on Friday, 18th November 2005, James Pollard of UKCP and Sally Aldridge of BACP introduced the findings of the BACP/UKCP run, Department of Health [DoH] funded, research project to map UK counselling and psychotherapy. Further up the agenda was a presentation by Rosalind Mead of the DoH's take on all this.
TAKE2 on the meeting introducing the findings of the BACP/UKCP/DofH mapping research and the DoH's plans for psychopractice regulation, Richard House, of IPN and the Research Centre for Therapeutic Education, Roehampton University, sent this report |
UKCP/BACP Mapping research Psychotherapy and Counselling - Initial Mapping Project for the Department of Health
Brief review and selected quotes.
Published in mid November, but note the date on the file '30-06-5', five months after it was delivered to the Department of Health, the interim mapping project weighs in at an onerous 82 pages.
GLACIATION - the Statutory Regulation future has arrived for any practitioner working with adoption. Will you be next? |
Living from Love
If you are a psychopractitioner with an interest in how the power relations we work with are manifest in the wider world, you may find my Action Research Inquiry into 'confronting the love of power and freeing the power of love' of interest. Contributions are welcome.
The state regulation of counselling and psychotherapy: sometime, never?
Richard House
It brings up to date the arguments against state regulation in the context of the ongoing re-orientations by some accrediting bodies as, we may surmise, they have seen the regulatory chasm of the HPC into which they were about to fall.
Even further... away from... the Statutory Regulation of Counselling Psychotherapy
The end of the [2005] holiday season has seen a shower of activity in the UK psychopolitics territory...
From June12th 2005 edition:
IPNOSIS quits?
These last few months Ipnosis has been minded to quit taking an active interest in the politics of UK psychopractice. Why?
A sense of disgust (See June 12th 2004 Editorial) that bullying and institutional turf wars continue to be features of the psychopractice landscape...
Editorial: June 12th 2005
An Established Church of False Promises
.... current attempts by a self-selected group of trade associations to fence off and claim exclusive legal rights over a sector of the territory of counselling and psychotherapy... shameless and corrosive of the credibility of the field...
First Quarter 2005 Developments in UK Psychopractice from IPNOSIS March 28th 2005
A listing, with links to relevant documents of a series of significant events in UK psychopolitics in the first quarter of 2005.
In November 2004 IPN celebrated ten years of providing an alternative form of accountability to mainstream psychotherapy professionalization.
DSM: Diagnosing for Money and Power
This well-informed critique of the Diagnostic Service Manual [DSM] by Ofer Zur, a Californian Therapist and Educator, and Nola Nordmarken, shows how the DSM has distorted and damaged psychopractice.
Herding Cats
At the end of July 2004 the British Medical Journal had an editorial discussing the future of psychotherapy in the NHS - 'herding cats' comes to mind as an image of the struggle of the slightly exasperated authors trying, not very successfully, to get to grips with the nonconformity of the UK psychotherapy scene.
Richard House sent them a riposte
... the BMJ editorial is a reminder that the pasteurised forms of counselling or psychotherapy that would result from their widespread acceptance in the NHS seem likely to take clients in the direction of a UK version of the institutionalisation that has wrecked US therapy. If you want to out what this means on the ground, take a look at Maureen O'Hara's article about it.
Practitioners in the UK who share IPN's distaste for psychotherapy professionalization may find a legislative development in the US offers a promising model for discussion and maybe action. A number of therapists in Colorado State felt oppressed by the licensing legislation there and organised themselves to oppose, and recently, to secede from it. Their newsletter describes how they managed to do this.
Insight into the kind of accountability that is being introduced in the medical profession.
British Medical Journal article by Wendy Riley
read her introduction
read the article
UKCP discussion document
"Organisational Development issues for the UKCP following the AGM 2003"
This document was given to ipnosis by an anonymous well-wisher.
Download complete document
Ethically Challenged Professions: Enabling Innovation and Diversity in Psychotherapy and Counselling
Edited by Yvonne Bates and Richard House - 30 contributors
Published September 2003 paperback from PCCS Books
Therapy Beyond Modernity: deconstructing and transcending profession-centred therapy
by Richard House
publishedby Karnac
Therapy beyond modernity sets out an 'articulated argument which questions at root the status of some of professional therapy's most hallowed and taken for granted asumptions'. It teases out the regimes of truth - the hidden assumptions of profession-centred healing practice and points to how those assumptions become self-serving and more concerned with preservation than with honest authenticity of procedure and practice.
Other Richard House publications
'The statutory regulation of psychotherapy: still time to think again' Article by Richard House in UKCP's housemag, 'The Psychotherapist',
IPNOSIS contributed to a 'follow-up debate'.after the article.. here is my paragraph, and an expanded version
Getting Fit for Regulation
article by AnneRichardson Deputy Head, Mental Health Services Branch, Department of Health
Public protection is high on the Government's agenda. However, legislative action is unlikely to be developed before 2003. The professional organisations that represent psychologists, counsellors and psycho-therapists have much preparatory work to do
read article
download article
Statutory regulation of psychotherapy psychology and counselling: The Way Forward
talk given by Anne Richardson to IPN London Gathering October 13th 2001
Selected quotes from the presentation
CD of the presentation
Download transcript of the presentation [67k]
The baby and the bathwater: 'professionalisation' in psychotherapy and counselling
Article by Nick Totton
The Professionalisation of Counselling
by Yvonne Bates
Therapy on the Couch... a well put together and timely contribution to the debate about the regulation of psychotherapy in the UK.
Richard House review article of Ian Parker (ed.), Deconstructing Psychotherapy,
Denis Postle
The statutory regulation of psychotherapy: still time to think again
by Richard House
Registering Psychotherapy as an institutional neurosis: or, compounding the estrangement between soul and world.
By Michael Whan |
The place of psychotherapy and counselling in a healthy European social order
by Alex Howard. |
False facts(?)
Article by Petruska Clarkson
....No wonder Freud wrote that he didn’t know what women wanted. He insisted: "the elimination of clitoridal sexuality is a necessary precondition for the development of femininity....."
Statutory Regulation
by David Kalisch...
Shrinkwrapping Psychotherapy
by Denis Postle a highly sceptical look at developments in the field of psychopractice...
Protection not Control enhanced version of Dan Hogan's the recently added 'US case studies' and his excellent 'recommendations'...
De-constructing Psychotherapy ...Richard House's review of the recent Ian Parker book |
Editorial One October 1999
Avoid Being Shrunk in the Managed Care Era:
By: Ofer Zur, Ph.D
Guidelines For Non-Sexual Dual Relationships and Boundaries in Psychotherapy
see also article by Ofer Zur in paperIPNOSIS
Alderdice) PSYCHOTHERAPY Bill: Review
Denis Postle
The Psychotherapy Bill First reading etc...
A response to Denis Postle May 1999
Nick Owen
Health Professions Council Department of Health proposals
13th March 2001 IPN,UKCP & Statutory Regulation
an e-mail dialogue between Nick Totton, IPN and Heward Wilkinson,
Board member, UKCP
Original theory of co-counselling & the paradigm shift
A talk given at Co-counselling International Teachers meeting at Harlech, Wales, on 28 July 1995.
by John Heron
Government Kills the Psychotherapy Bill
In this extract from Hansard January 19th 2001 Lord Burlison outlines the government's position on the regulation of psychotherapy and related trades
This first edition of IPNOSIS...
COOPERATIVE INQUIRY Bringing Research to Life
From survival and recovery to flourishing, a residential co-operative inquiry
The Ardèche, France May 1998 Denis Postle
Straw Poll Talkback phone-in
Radio4 4th September 1999
The Psychotherapy Bill - a BAC Statement
Psychotherapy Bill 'Bombshell'
Extract from Hansard January 19th 2001 Lord Wedderburn of Charlton concludes his supporting remarks on the Psychotherapy Bill with news of the government's position on the regulation of psychotherapy and related trades.
Professor Petruska Clarkson
Ipnosis is edited, maintained and © Denis Postle 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006 |