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eIpnosis Special -
The Health Professions Council

Saying No to state regulation of counselling and psychotherapy
The response to research by eeIpnosis and other participants that sought to identify who is opposed to state regulation of the psychological therapies has been great...
500+ people have signed up to the two statements of opposition...
Thank you for joining us in making a stand.
The lists remain open, to add your signature email ipnosis.
Holding the Big Picture LOVE MATTERS

Further reflections on regulation of the psychological therapies

The glaciation of psychotherapy, counselling and psychoanalysis continues as the government confirms (again) that the Health Professions Council is to be the regulator for the psychological therapies.

Alongside this regulatory freeze-drying there is also its industrialization. The government announces huge finance for CBT as a happiness-return-to-work-cure-all, and a equally huge (and fully booked) conference later in the year entitled: Psychological Therapies in the NHS: Science, Practice and Policy provides a feeding frenzy for potential NHS CBT Business ie training and delivery partners. Two evidently connected events (if you were an insider).Take a look at this eIpnosis pre-review of the conference programme... and another pre-review of it by Janet Low. There is more on this conference monster in the Psychological Therapies Reference Group meeting reports.

A letter from Simon Ward, an Australian reader spells out very clearly the dystopia that has befallen psychological services in Australia. Don't miss his pointer to a hilarious critique of evidence-based practice!

And coming shortly, Regulating the Client Experience, Part #3 of the eIpnosis Special: The Health Professions Council. The story of a family's bad experience of HPC regulation.

news and views
from PCCS Books
Review #1 Europe Journal of Psychology
Review #2 Robert Jenkins, ITA
Review #3 Previn Karian
Review #4 David Slattery, PCSR