a journal for the Independent Practitioners Network
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October 9th 1999 text
to other
internet sites

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Links courtesy of
G . O . R . I . L . L . A .
This is a provisional listing of links to other Internet resources that will be improved over the coming months.

Suggestions are welcome. Please include a couple of sentences on what the site contains or why it it is interesting.

The selfheal site has a huge listing of non-mainstream therapy resources

here are a some samples

'Reinventing the Growth Psychology Agenda: Towards a Therapeutic Counter-culture'
'Wake Up Call for Humanistic Warriors'
Psychotherapy in the 1990s
Dysfunctional Training Organisations

Telephone counselling group.

The primal home page
A resource for those interested in the regressive abreactive psychotherapies

It includes
An Eclectic Approach to Primal Integration by M. S. Broder
This is an excellent and detailed account of the theory and practice of Primal Integration.

There are four parts, well worth the download time.
Chapter 1 - What is the Primal Process?
Chapter 2 - A Comparison Between Eclectic Primal Integration Therapy and Janovian Primal Therapy
Chapter 3 - Major Theoretical Components of Primal Integration
Chapter 4 - Techniques of Primal Integration

see also by B. S. Broder
Lloyd deMause and Psychohistory
An introduction to the work of Lloyd deMause, described by Time magazine, as 'the Mickey deMause approach to history'.

"The shift of emphasis by deMause from the Freudian unconscious to the dynamics of the birth trauma represents a quantum leap in the understanding of elemental social events." -- Stanislav Grof M.D.

Re-evaluation Counseling
A huge site full of ways into re-evaluation counselling. RC is as ever, strong on political awareness, has a large world-wide community and is still appears, paradoxically, to be run from the centre.

Centre for Psychotherapeutic Studies - The Writings of Professor Robert M. Young
A long list of papers from his work on the history of ideas, science in society, and including several on Human Nature, and, especially revealing, psychoanalytic community relations in the UK.

See also Bob Young's very popular Human-Nature site that focuses on its definitions, and the uses and abuses thereof.

the main site for Lloyd de Mause material, the Journal of Psychohistory etc.
here is a selection of the often intriguing offerings

The Political Consequences of Child Abuse by Alice Miller
"The Universality of Incest" by Lloyd deMause
"On Writing Childhood History" by Lloyd deMause
"Childhood Nightmares and Dreams of Revenge" by Alenka Puhar
"Foundations of Psychohistory" by Lloyd deMause:
"Table of Contents"
"Reagan's America " by Lloyd deMause:
"Table of Contents"
Chapters from "Childhood and History" by Lloyd deMause:
"The Assassination of Leaders"
"The Gulf War as a Mental Disorder"
"Restaging Early Traumas in War and Social Violence"
"The Psychogenic Theory of History"
"Childhood and Cultural Evolution"

The Social Alter By Lloyd deMause
Another excellent and recent piece from the founder of the psychohistory tradition.

'This massive denial of the origin of individual emotional problems in the traumatic abuse of children is in fact one and the same as the massive denial of the psychological origins of social behavior. They are two sides of the same historical coin. Both are rooted in the fact that our deepest fears are stored in a dissociated part of the brain that remains largely unexplored and is the source of the historical restaging of these traumas. Only when the contents and psychodynamics of these dissociated traumatic memories are made fully conscious can we understand the waking nightmare that we call history'.

a journal for the Independent Practitioners Network
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edited, maintained and © Denis Postle 1999